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All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Protect Your Family and Your Four-Legged Friend

A dog can be a fantastic addition to a family – but Fido can also expose that family to substantial liability risk.

Did you know that about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year? And did you know that if a lawsuit results from a dog bite, the owner’s homeowners or renters insurance policy can help with legal expenses?

That’s a very important fact to know, since in 2023, there were more than 19,000 dog bite claims in the United States … with an average cost of nearly $59,000.

The typical homeowners or renters policy covers dog bite liability legal expenses up to the liability limits (usually ranging from $100,000 to $300,000).

What do you need to know?

  • Some insurance companies will not insure homeowners who own breeds of dogs that are categorized as dangerous (for instance, pit bulls or Rottweilers).
  • If your dog bites someone, your insurance premium may go up – or your insurance carrier may choose not to renew your policy, or to exclude your pet from coverage.
  • You may be liable for your dog biting someone in different circumstances:
  1.  A dog-bite statute; you’ll be automatically liable for any injury or property damage the dog causes without provocation.
  2. The one-bite rule: you are responsible for an injury caused by a dog if you knew the dog was likely to cause that type of injury. (Here, the victim must prove you knew the dog was dangerous.)
  3. Negligence laws: you are liable if the injury occurred because the you were negligent in controlling the dog.

Keep these tips in mind:  

  • Train your dog well, and help your dog to behave well. Don’t put your dog in situations that may lead to it biting someone.
  • It’s so common for people to take their dogs into public places these days – but that is not a good choice for every dog. Know your pet – and its limitations in social situations.
  • Talk to your insurance agent about your pet and your homeowners insurance policy. Make sure you understand what protection you have – and what protection you don’t.

Beall Financial and Insurance Services has been working with property owners for more than 30 years to help them protect their most important assets: home, health, and business. If you have questions about insurance coverage for your home, family, or business, contact us.