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The Best Way to Observe National Preparedness Month

Disasters don't plan ahead … but you can! And there’s no better time than September –National Preparedness Month – to get started.

No matter where you live, you are subject to disasters, whether natural or instigated by people. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, landslides, wildfires, hot spells, or cold spells can all be harmful to people and property. Events instigated by people can also be harmful, or even deadly; think terrorism, crime, power outages, famine, or war. Preparation is key to ensure the safety of your family, your home or business – and yourself.

Getting Started

While natural disasters can occur almost anywhere (did you know earthquakes occur in every single state, and on every continent in the world?), you likely know which types of incidents are most common in the area where you live and work. That means you also likely know what the aftermath could be – how long you could be without power, for instance, or where the safest place would be to store your supplies and extra food.

Food that is easily stored and prepared is critical during a disaster – and you need to make sure your family has a sufficient water supply. Safety experts recommend each family member have one gallon of water per day to remain hydrated.

Of course, there are other essential items that can be incredibly helpful in transitioning out of a disaster. Suggested items to store in your “emergency kit” include:

  • Eating utensils
  • A small propane stove or a grill for cooking
  • Matches
  • Candles
  • Blankets
  • Batteries
  • Flashlights
  • Extra clothes
  • First Aid Kit

Pro Tips

Get creative when you’re putting your kit together. Pack away some board games, cards, or books to help pass the time pass – and keep the kids entertained.

As you’re planning your “emergency kit,” give some thought to other important things you may need access to – for instance, important documents. It’s a great idea to scan any documents you may need (deeds, birth certificates, social security cards, insurance policies) and put them on an external drive that you store someplace safe and dry. (You may also want to make a project out of scanning and saving family photos to an external drive, so you can reprint them if the originals are lost or destroyed.)

Most importantly, make sure your insurance policies are up-to-date – and that you understand exactly what type of protection they provide. If you have questions about your personal or commercial insurance policies, just give us a call!

Beall Financial and Insurance Services has been working with property owners for more than 30 years to help them protect their most important assets: home, health, and business. If you have questions about insurance coverage for your home, family, or business, contact us.